all postcodes in SK22 / HIGH PEAK

find any address or company within the SK22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK22 2EY 10 0 53.38424 -1.958842
SK22 2EZ 7 0 53.384723 -1.953775
SK22 2HB 42 4 53.382556 -1.952244
SK22 2HD 8 0 53.382907 -1.951868
SK22 2HE 57 0 53.383005 -1.95062
SK22 2HF 14 1 53.381701 -1.947795
SK22 2HG 7 0 53.381872 -1.949043
SK22 2HJ 26 0 53.380082 -1.945272
SK22 2HL 31 0 53.380215 -1.943272
SK22 2HN 26 0 53.381034 -1.943842
SK22 2HP 5 0 53.380738 -1.945481
SK22 2HQ 33 0 53.381001 -1.950968
SK22 2HR 29 0 53.381843 -1.944818
SK22 2HS 46 3 53.379326 -1.943364
SK22 2HT 10 0 53.379514 -1.942957
SK22 2HW 24 0 53.380648 -1.945
SK22 2JD 7 4 53.379264 -1.946145
SK22 2JE 49 12 53.378706 -1.945108
SK22 2JF 16 0 53.376782 -1.944554
SK22 2JG 8 1 53.378258 -1.946822