all postcodes in SK22 / HIGH PEAK

find any address or company within the SK22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK22 2JH 15 0 53.377737 -1.947815
SK22 2JJ 11 1 53.378112 -1.947061
SK22 2JL 28 0 53.377293 -1.944477
SK22 2JN 2 0 53.373858 -1.941235
SK22 2JP 2 0 53.375969 -1.939729
SK22 2JQ 12 0 53.3777 -1.947033
SK22 2AD 4 0 53.377458 -1.946868
SK22 2JR 4 0 53.369199 -1.933518
SK22 2JS 8 0 53.369956 -1.937259
SK22 2JT 5 0 53.375231 -1.952418
SK22 2JU 9 0 53.377233 -1.946884
SK22 2JW 16 0 53.374335 -1.939688
SK22 2JX 21 0 53.378195 -1.948686
SK22 2JZ 6 0 53.378266 -1.945545
SK22 2LD 12 0 53.378075 -1.941366
SK22 2LE 33 2 53.37757 -1.9383
SK22 2LH 1 0 53.380151 -1.926794
SK22 2LJ 12 1 53.386163 -1.922757
SK22 2LL 10 0 53.377271 -1.921944
SK22 2LN 4 0 53.376859 -1.93561