all postcodes in SK22 / HIGH PEAK

find any address or company within the SK22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK22 1DL 2 0 53.386271 -1.963545
SK22 1DN 9 0 53.383711 -1.962737
SK22 1DP 11 0 53.379235 -1.963417
SK22 1DQ 1 0 53.376423 -1.979231
SK22 1DW 1 0 53.37867 -1.969611
SK22 1DX 4 1 53.39799 -1.992832
SK22 1DY 4 0 53.403006 -1.991929
SK22 1EA 3 0 53.410268 -1.985745
SK22 1EB 25 1 53.398843 -1.982651
SK22 1ED 7 0 53.401386 -1.976664
SK22 1EF 12 0 53.400389 -1.982951
SK22 2EN 5 0 53.380244 -1.946564
SK22 2EP 21 8 53.380109 -1.945693
SK22 2EQ 2 2 53.379873 -1.9453
SK22 2ER 6 1 53.379687 -1.94661
SK22 2ES 3 1 53.378671 -1.946521
SK22 2ET 4 0 53.380721 -1.947195
SK22 2EU 33 1 53.378789 -1.949512
SK22 2EW 45 3 53.380702 -1.946729
SK22 2EX 59 1 53.37843 -1.95049