all postcodes in SN11 / CALNE

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN11 0RA 14 0 51.438302 -2.004612
SN11 0RD 3 3 51.438291 -2.004375
SN11 0RG 14 0 51.439434 -2.016554
SN11 0RH 15 0 51.396383 -2.002624
SN11 0RL 5 0 51.431415 -2.002238
SN11 0RP 31 0 51.442058 -2.016375
SN11 0RQ 5 0 51.439056 -2.01477
SN11 0RR 33 0 51.440737 -2.01759
SN11 0RS 13 0 51.441187 -2.016799
SN11 0RT 48 0 51.442877 -2.018382
SN11 0RU 21 0 51.442183 -2.018634
SN11 0RX 12 0 51.434309 -2.009877
SN11 0RY 10 0 51.434049 -2.009805
SN11 0RZ 10 0 51.434552 -2.010625
SN11 0SA 10 0 51.433653 -2.008884
SN11 0SB 11 0 51.433788 -2.009704
SN11 0SD 6 0 51.439048 -2.007519
SN11 0SE 5 0 51.42323 -1.996521
SN11 0SG 16 3 51.43787 -2.004094
SN11 0SJ 2 0 51.430568 -1.999138