all postcodes in SN11 / CALNE

find any address or company within the SN11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN11 0QA 7 0 51.39588 -2.005025
SN11 0QB 5 0 51.397372 -2.005284
SN11 0QD 59 0 51.428259 -1.997175
SN11 0QE 11 0 51.429499 -1.998628
SN11 0QF 17 0 51.429733 -1.999088
SN11 0QG 15 0 51.431217 -2.003202
SN11 0QH 16 0 51.432511 -2.003821
SN11 0QJ 17 0 51.431055 -2.002051
SN11 0QL 31 0 51.432341 -2.001505
SN11 0QN 33 0 51.431828 -2.001131
SN11 0QP 19 0 51.431657 -2.001893
SN11 0QQ 9 0 51.431639 -2.00349
SN11 0QR 9 0 51.430399 -2.001087
SN11 0QS 7 0 51.430722 -2.000224
SN11 0QT 18 0 51.431406 -2.000613
SN11 0QU 7 0 51.431118 -2.001634
SN11 0QW 10 0 51.4303 -2.001807
SN11 0QX 2 0 51.42635 -1.993658
SN11 0QY 1 1 51.439363 -2.005951
SN11 0QZ 7 4 51.437158 -2.003656