all postcodes in SN11 / CALNE

find any address or company within the SN11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN11 0PA 4 0 51.396533 -2.028842
SN11 0PB 4 0 51.400544 -2.022462
SN11 0PD 3 0 51.395526 -2.026082
SN11 0PE 4 1 51.399646 -2.014441
SN11 0PF 12 1 51.398334 -2.01342
SN11 0PG 12 0 51.398649 -2.009136
SN11 0PH 13 0 51.39641 -2.005111
SN11 0PJ 11 2 51.396104 -2.004062
SN11 0PL 5 2 51.396563 -2.001216
SN11 0PN 9 0 51.394963 -2.001
SN11 0PP 7 1 51.397397 -1.995272
SN11 0PQ 13 0 51.398055 -2.007454
SN11 0PR 6 0 51.396356 -1.998413
SN11 0PS 19 5 51.400753 -1.998355
SN11 0PT 5 0 51.412393 -2.031224
SN11 0PU 3 0 51.406952 -2.034944
SN11 0PW 1 0 51.389405 -1.988842
SN11 0PX 2 0 51.418967 -2.013217
SN11 0PY 2 0 51.41859 -2.01513
SN11 0PZ 13 0 51.396239 -2.006189