all postcodes in SN14 / CHIPPENHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN14 0BE 50 1 51.457178 -2.13507
SN14 0BF 23 0 51.454808 -2.13158
SN14 0BG 39 0 51.457816 -2.135215
SN14 0BJ 1 1 51.44907 -2.14791
SN14 0BN 4 3 51.458599 -2.126539
SN14 0BP 31 0 51.458436 -2.128193
SN14 0BQ 24 0 51.455548 -2.137238
SN14 0BS 6 0 51.458497 -2.130007
SN14 0BT 8 1 51.458811 -2.130094
SN14 0BU 1 1 51.458199 -2.130654
SN14 0BW 31 1 51.458786 -2.128554
SN14 0BX 22 1 51.458917 -2.132153
SN14 0BY 13 0 51.458709 -2.133073
SN14 0BZ 31 1 51.459255 -2.135162
SN14 0DA 20 1 51.458752 -2.134873
SN14 0DB 20 0 51.460102 -2.133596
SN14 0DD 49 0 51.460381 -2.13315
SN14 0DE 69 0 51.457658 -2.132164
SN14 0DF 52 1 51.458025 -2.133081
SN14 0DG 1 1 51.459151 -2.139408