all postcodes in SN14 / CHIPPENHAM

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SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN14 0GX 6 6 51.447593 -2.142682
SN14 0GF 3 2 51.445431 -2.14587
SN14 0HA 31 0 51.464525 -2.13359
SN14 0HB 35 0 51.464059 -2.13235
SN14 0HE 5 0 51.463274 -2.127358
SN14 0HF 21 0 51.462301 -2.129169
SN14 0HG 36 0 51.461149 -2.129828
SN14 0HH 18 0 51.459393 -2.131516
SN14 0HJ 12 0 51.459672 -2.132083
SN14 0HL 4 0 51.460518 -2.131639
SN14 0HN 21 0 51.460833 -2.131482
SN14 0HP 18 0 51.462079 -2.134955
SN14 0HQ 27 0 51.460186 -2.130804
SN14 0HR 14 0 51.462509 -2.136136
SN14 0HS 4 0 51.462534 -2.137417
SN14 0HT 62 0 51.461701 -2.134968
SN14 0HU 22 0 51.462842 -2.135432
SN14 0HW 14 1 51.461685 -2.133312
SN14 0HX 32 0 51.463147 -2.136829
SN14 0HY 12 0 51.464309 -2.13499