all postcodes in SN14 / CHIPPENHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN14 0DH 12 2 51.459949 -2.14131
SN14 0DJ 4 0 51.460539 -2.144176
SN14 0DL 28 1 51.460294 -2.138505
SN14 0DN 24 0 51.459822 -2.142792
SN14 0DP 28 0 51.458999 -2.130685
SN14 0DQ 15 0 51.459906 -2.139482
SN14 0DS 8 0 51.457979 -2.126839
SN14 0DT 50 6 51.457779 -2.128278
SN14 0DU 17 2 51.459165 -2.127058
SN14 0DW 42 0 51.456751 -2.131614
SN14 0DY 14 1 51.460218 -2.126716
SN14 0DZ 16 0 51.461323 -2.127395
SN14 0EA 3 0 51.460739 -2.126775
SN14 0EB 25 0 51.461726 -2.128534
SN14 0ED 54 0 51.460673 -2.129481
SN14 0EE 31 0 51.460414 -2.127983
SN14 0EF 17 0 51.459701 -2.13037
SN14 0EG 10 0 51.459883 -2.128903
SN14 0EH 9 0 51.460668 -2.125868
SN14 0EJ 6 0 51.461081 -2.126344