all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3PJ 0 51.455621 -2.111131
SN15 3PL 0 51.46012 -2.1075
SN15 3PN 2 51.459886 -2.106775
SN15 3PP 0 51.460974 -2.107747
SN15 3PR 0 51.462052 -2.108512
SN15 3PS 0 51.461918 -2.107965
SN15 3PU 0 51.448919 -2.104711
SN15 3PW 0 51.460939 -2.106998
SN15 3PX 0 51.448543 -2.103271
SN15 3PY 0 51.449135 -2.104179
SN15 3PZ 1 51.461821 -2.115133
SN15 3QA 1 51.464891 -2.144161
SN15 3QD 1 51.463002 -2.110726
SN15 3QE 4 51.462549 -2.115466
SN15 3QF 1 51.461325 -2.116614
SN15 3QH 1 51.46401 -2.110878
SN15 3QL 0 51.464438 -2.105121
SN15 3QP 1 51.46175 -2.114586
SN15 3QQ 1 51.461991 -2.11594
SN15 3QS 0 51.450012 -2.109534