all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

find any address or company within the SN15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3NJ 0 51.46256 -2.104008
SN15 3NL 0 51.460097 -2.103024
SN15 3NN 0 51.46122 -2.104523
SN15 3NP 0 51.463529 -2.10568
SN15 3NQ 0 51.460132 -2.104636
SN15 3NR 0 51.463293 -2.10779
SN15 3NS 0 51.463385 -2.106399
SN15 3NT 0 51.462899 -2.105861
SN15 3NU 0 51.460684 -2.100117
SN15 3NW 0 51.461688 -2.10343
SN15 3NX 0 51.46098 -2.100881
SN15 3NY 0 51.460071 -2.101671
SN15 3NZ 0 51.460314 -2.101355
SN15 3PA 1 51.461294 -2.111245
SN15 3PB 0 51.46019 -2.109544
SN15 3PD 0 51.459499 -2.108405
SN15 3PE 1 51.45878 -2.108303
SN15 3PF 0 51.445173 -2.100717
SN15 3PG 0 51.445001 -2.101752
SN15 3PH 0 51.446062 -2.101927