all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3QT 0 51.451988 -2.111194
SN15 3QU 2 51.446123 -2.103073
SN15 3QW 0 51.464096 -2.105653
SN15 3QX 1 51.439258 -2.097461
SN15 3QY 0 51.440717 -2.105723
SN15 3QZ 0 51.438254 -2.115548
SN15 3RA 0 51.450715 -2.095903
SN15 3RB 3 51.458117 -2.094455
SN15 3RD 0 51.450303 -2.095691
SN15 3RE 0 51.453268 -2.08571
SN15 3RF 0 51.453114 -2.07506
SN15 3RG 0 51.449211 -2.057462
SN15 3RH 1 51.459656 -2.066032
SN15 3RJ 1 51.466656 -2.073542
SN15 3RL 1 51.467742 -2.076236
SN15 3RN 0 51.470579 -2.069632
SN15 3RP 1 51.44707 -2.089626
SN15 3RQ 0 51.45566 -2.056282
SN15 3RR 1 51.444515 -2.079377
SN15 3RS 22 51.442915 -2.076749