all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

find any address or company within the SN15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3RT 0 51.441307 -2.076623
SN15 3RU 2 51.440094 -2.0756
SN15 3RW 0 51.446489 -2.085064
SN15 3RX 0 51.436704 -2.075824
SN15 3SA 0 51.454301 -2.109415
SN15 3SB 0 51.454598 -2.108567
SN15 3SD 0 51.459594 -2.102245
SN15 3SE 0 51.460997 -2.102177
SN15 3SF 0 51.459134 -2.104576
SN15 3SG 0 51.459386 -2.10413
SN15 3SH 0 51.458663 -2.117385
SN15 3SJ 0 51.449708 -2.10703
SN15 3SN 0 51.450212 -2.1068
SN15 3SP 0 51.44908 -2.105632
SN15 3SQ 0 51.458386 -2.105841
SN15 3SR 0 51.44962 -2.105231
SN15 3SS 0 51.443994 -2.10175
SN15 3ST 0 51.444767 -2.102586
SN15 3SU 0 51.445558 -2.102444
SN15 3SX 0 51.444461 -2.102945