all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3SY 10 51.447582 -2.10124
SN15 3TA 0 51.448218 -2.093802
SN15 3TB 0 51.447156 -2.094908
SN15 3TD 0 51.44747 -2.094212
SN15 3TE 0 51.448548 -2.097026
SN15 3TF 0 51.447874 -2.096909
SN15 3TG 0 51.448961 -2.09825
SN15 3TH 0 51.448665 -2.097472
SN15 3TJ 0 51.448713 -2.093846
SN15 3TL 0 51.448055 -2.095543
SN15 3TN 0 51.448541 -2.094249
SN15 3TP 0 51.446418 -2.094714
SN15 3TQ 0 51.447317 -2.096117
SN15 3TR 0 51.446068 -2.095294
SN15 3TS 0 51.445744 -2.096013
SN15 3TT 0 51.44541 -2.097221
SN15 3TU 0 51.44639 -2.096805
SN15 3TW 0 51.447985 -2.093442
SN15 3TX 0 51.445582 -2.095552
SN15 3TY 0 51.445069 -2.096572