all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

find any address or company within the SN15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3EH 0 51.451014 -2.10486
SN15 3EJ 1 51.457281 -2.114503
SN15 3EL 0 51.449664 -2.105993
SN15 3EN 0 51.450465 -2.105966
SN15 3EP 5 51.45878 -2.116723
SN15 3EQ 10 51.450287 -2.101931
SN15 3ER 13 51.458458 -2.115643
SN15 3ES 0 51.449763 -2.106397
SN15 3EU 7 51.458548 -2.115139
SN15 3EW 0 51.456436 -2.114184
SN15 3EX 1 51.458602 -2.115111
SN15 3EY 1 51.459231 -2.116105
SN15 3FA 0 51.448101 -2.105083
SN15 3FB 0 51.44596 -2.105438
SN15 3FD 0 51.447049 -2.104448
SN15 3FE 0 51.446275 -2.105237
SN15 3FF 0 51.445519 -2.105955
SN15 3FG 0 51.445197 -2.104544
SN15 3FH 0 51.444595 -2.104298
SN15 3FJ 0 51.446201 -2.107352