all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3FL 0 51.446812 -2.106643
SN15 3FN 0 51.448296 -2.1073
SN15 3FP 0 51.448117 -2.106378
SN15 3FQ 0 51.44453 -2.105881
SN15 3FR 0 51.448782 -2.107661
SN15 3FS 0 51.44809 -2.106796
SN15 3FT 0 51.445605 -2.11066
SN15 3FU 0 51.446 -2.110704
SN15 3FW 0 51.447667 -2.10773
SN15 3FX 0 51.446065 -2.109136
SN15 3FY 0 51.445326 -2.109762
SN15 3FZ 0 51.446675 -2.110649
SN15 3GA 0 51.448562 -2.110461
SN15 3GB 0 51.44884 -2.110965
SN15 3GE 0 51.447816 -2.111817
SN15 3GF 0 51.447698 -2.112493
SN15 3GG 0 51.448993 -2.112064
SN15 3GH 0 51.44867 -2.111402
SN15 3GJ 0 51.445665 -2.104113
SN15 3GL 0 51.447952 -2.10999