all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3GN 0 51.447278 -2.109959
SN15 3GP 0 51.447657 -2.108406
SN15 3GQ 0 51.450804 -2.108486
SN15 3GT 0 51.446079 -2.10374
SN15 3GW 0 51.450909 -2.111177
SN15 3GY 0 51.450335 -2.109967
SN15 3HA 1 51.45897 -2.115788
SN15 3HB 1 51.459042 -2.116018
SN15 3HD 5 51.457919 -2.114879
SN15 3HE 1 51.458135 -2.114922
SN15 3HF 1 51.457515 -2.114417
SN15 3HG 5 51.457992 -2.114231
SN15 3HJ 5 51.45755 -2.113851
SN15 3HL 6 51.458135 -2.114246
SN15 3HP 11 51.457408 -2.112828
SN15 3HR 1 51.45819 -2.113613
SN15 3HT 6 51.457956 -2.113146
SN15 3HU 6 51.458413 -2.114472
SN15 3HW 8 51.457345 -2.113553
SN15 3HZ 1 51.456802 -2.116761