all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3JA 1 51.457911 -2.114087
SN15 3JD 0 51.457428 -2.110905
SN15 3JF 2 51.458576 -2.113479
SN15 3JH 1 51.458784 -2.113398
SN15 3JJ 2 51.458486 -2.113033
SN15 3JN 0 51.457041 -2.11148
SN15 3JP 18 51.45934 -2.115069
SN15 3JR 0 51.456277 -2.111665
SN15 3JS 0 51.456412 -2.110816
SN15 3JT 0 51.455585 -2.110598
SN15 3JU 0 51.45589 -2.111261
SN15 3JW 3 51.457463 -2.111447
SN15 3JX 0 51.455344 -2.109187
SN15 3JY 0 51.453737 -2.106722
SN15 3JZ 0 51.452866 -2.103405
SN15 3LA 0 51.452535 -2.101519
SN15 3LB 0 51.451924 -2.101374
SN15 3LD 0 51.452928 -2.105871
SN15 3LE 0 51.452148 -2.102569
SN15 3LF 0 51.452487 -2.104887