all postcodes in SN15 / CORSHAM

find any address or company within the SN15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN15 3LG 0 51.451952 -2.100741
SN15 3LH 1 51.454264 -2.11071
SN15 3LL 1 51.459834 -2.105585
SN15 3LN 0 51.461847 -2.10631
SN15 3LP 0 51.46353 -2.104744
SN15 3LR 0 51.464107 -2.103781
SN15 3LS 0 51.463748 -2.103046
SN15 3LT 0 51.46302 -2.10198
SN15 3LU 0 51.463388 -2.103434
SN15 3LW 0 51.461839 -2.105619
SN15 3LX 0 51.462615 -2.103029
SN15 3LY 0 51.462338 -2.100942
SN15 3LZ 0 51.461664 -2.100479
SN15 3NA 0 51.461647 -2.099558
SN15 3NB 0 51.462429 -2.099805
SN15 3ND 0 51.462662 -2.100251
SN15 3NE 0 51.461986 -2.101848
SN15 3NF 0 51.461177 -2.102436
SN15 3NG 0 51.460159 -2.1037
SN15 3NH 0 51.461994 -2.103287