all postcodes in SN1 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN1 3JY 1 51.555176 -1.780756
SN1 3LA 0 51.554601 -1.780903
SN1 3LB 2 51.553438 -1.77964
SN1 3LD 0 51.554533 -1.778452
SN1 3LE 0 51.55491 -1.778046
SN1 3LF 0 51.553186 -1.779324
SN1 3LQ 2 51.55458 -1.779663
SN1 3LG 0 51.554292 -1.779131
SN1 3LH 0 51.554928 -1.777717
SN1 3LJ 2 51.553112 -1.7783
SN1 3LL 0 51.556364 -1.781645
SN1 3LR 1 51.55419 -1.782235
SN1 3LS 1 51.553288 -1.780668
SN1 3LT 0 51.554567 -1.782057
SN1 3LW 1 51.553034 -1.775228
SN1 3LY 0 51.554805 -1.783978
SN1 3LZ 1 51.555471 -1.785111
SN1 3NA 0 51.554056 -1.78307
SN1 3NB 0 51.55422 -1.78428
SN1 3ND 0 51.553715 -1.783417