all postcodes in SN1 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN1 3NE 0 51.553418 -1.783289
SN1 3NF 0 51.553207 -1.785828
SN1 3NG 0 51.553821 -1.787037
SN1 3NH 0 51.554107 -1.786185
SN1 3NJ 2 51.554459 -1.78702
SN1 3NL 0 51.5548 -1.786513
SN1 3NN 0 51.554362 -1.787885
SN1 3NP 1 51.55536 -1.787809
SN1 3NQ 0 51.553559 -1.786577
SN1 3NR 0 51.553643 -1.788033
SN1 3NS 0 51.554516 -1.788476
SN1 3NT 2 51.555331 -1.786886
SN1 3NU 0 51.555212 -1.785963
SN1 3NW 1 51.554937 -1.787623
SN1 3NX 0 51.554402 -1.785578
SN1 3NY 1 51.55424 -1.785146
SN1 3NZ 0 51.555518 -1.785745
SN1 3PA 0 51.554026 -1.781498
SN1 3PB 0 51.556751 -1.786778
SN1 3PD 0 51.557124 -1.784151