all postcodes in SN1 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN1 3PF 0 51.556301 -1.786261
SN1 3PG 0 51.55662 -1.783937
SN1 3PH 0 51.556226 -1.78492
SN1 3PJ 0 51.556606 -1.786029
SN1 3PL 1 51.55684 -1.78597
SN1 3PN 0 51.557135 -1.790036
SN1 3PP 0 51.556668 -1.790183
SN1 3PQ 0 51.555943 -1.787099
SN1 3PR 0 51.556411 -1.792636
SN1 3PS 1 51.556286 -1.792337
SN1 3PT 0 51.555027 -1.793161
SN1 3PU 0 51.554866 -1.793479
SN1 3PW 0 51.556973 -1.790297
SN1 3PX 0 51.555021 -1.794849
SN1 3PY 2 51.554951 -1.790897
SN1 3PZ 0 51.553212 -1.788569
SN1 3QA 0 51.553465 -1.789144
SN1 3QB 0 51.554998 -1.79169
SN1 3QD 0 51.554288 -1.791968
SN1 3RA 3 51.55113 -1.77576