all postcodes in SN2 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN2 8BU 34 0 51.570979 -1.774
SN2 8BX 28 0 51.570745 -1.774131
SN2 8BY 15 0 51.571295 -1.775052
SN2 8BZ 41 2 51.572708 -1.77568
SN2 8DA 30 6 51.571818 -1.774763
SN2 8DD 65 0 51.573598 -1.775271
SN2 8DE 50 0 51.573863 -1.772759
SN2 8DG 45 0 51.572854 -1.771942
SN2 8DH 26 2 51.572332 -1.767096
SN2 8DJ 36 0 51.571603 -1.775743
SN2 8DL 12 0 51.572616 -1.765031
SN2 8DN 36 0 51.573336 -1.765677
SN2 8DP 3 3 51.575101 -1.766507
SN2 8DQ 1 1 51.575577 -1.766445
SN2 8DR 38 0 51.571054 -1.775832
SN2 8DS 14 0 51.574055 -1.765298
SN2 8DT 1 1 51.571593 -1.766032
SN2 8DW 10 7 51.573411 -1.766961
SN2 8DZ 1 1 51.573009 -1.764005
SN2 8EA 24 19 51.574791 -1.769219