all postcodes in SN2 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN2 8EB 1 1 51.574812 -1.770778
SN2 8EJ 11 7 51.576959 -1.77006
SN2 8EN 18 0 51.570766 -1.775343
SN2 8ER 1 1 51.574584 -1.764114
SN2 8ES 10 8 51.57611 -1.76301
SN2 8EZ 8 5 51.576683 -1.762081
SN2 8GJ 1 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 8GT 1 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 8HB 29 22 51.576887 -1.765226
SN2 8HQ 1 1 51.576314 -1.770914
SN2 8HW 1 1 51.576856 -1.763148
SN2 8LU 1 1 51.576041 -1.764942
SN2 8NZ 33 0 51.570317 -1.775922
SN2 8QD 1 1 51.57376 -1.770624
SN2 8QE 1 1 51.57382 -1.76947
SN2 8QF 5 3 51.573563 -1.77057
SN2 8UH 18 11 51.579916 -1.76915
SN2 8UN 24 18 51.578761 -1.762202
SN2 8UP 12 5 51.578694 -1.769907
SN2 8UU 11 6 51.579949 -1.762759