all postcodes in SN2 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN2 8UY 4 4 51.576989 -1.770827
SN2 8WB 1 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 8XP 1 1 51.574371 -1.77065
SN2 8XS 1 1 51.577221 -1.766076
SN2 8XU 1 1 51.576458 -1.76644
SN2 8YR 1 1 51.578918 -1.774163
SN2 8YY 8 8 51.572023 -1.764791
SN2 8YZ 1 1 51.579079 -1.764305
SN2 8ZW 1 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 8ZX 1 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 8AB 30 0 51.570597 -1.776368
SN2 8AL 10 0 51.577348 -1.775527
SN2 8YS 3 51.578629 -1.773284
SN2 8AW 2 0 51.577675 -1.776855
SN2 8XA 3 51.57629 -1.768216
SN2 8AD 10 51.578811 -1.765303
SN2 8AJ 14 51.577959 -1.765756
SN2 8WT 1 0 51.551194 -1.725769
SN2 8BD 0 51.574188 -1.773465
SN2 8BE 0 51.574196 -1.773277