all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 2DP 1 0 51.473986 -1.614589
SN8 2DQ 33 2 51.480822 -1.617801
SN8 2DR 2 0 51.472957 -1.613073
SN8 2DS 25 0 51.475743 -1.618361
SN8 2DT 25 0 51.47416 -1.620894
SN8 2DU 23 3 51.47905 -1.620537
SN8 2DW 30 2 51.477628 -1.617338
SN8 2DX 5 0 51.480315 -1.619619
SN8 2DY 7 0 51.475756 -1.616893
SN8 2DZ 13 0 51.48133 -1.619236
SN8 2EA 4 0 51.482005 -1.619432
SN8 2EB 39 1 51.483541 -1.619031
SN8 2ED 34 0 51.484211 -1.617787
SN8 2EE 22 0 51.483382 -1.61729
SN8 2EF 17 0 51.485391 -1.618295
SN8 2EG 32 0 51.485036 -1.619666
SN8 2EH 9 0 51.482986 -1.619683
SN8 2EJ 5 0 51.48199 -1.620225
SN8 2EL 8 0 51.481227 -1.620792
SN8 2EN 17 0 51.480362 -1.620382