all postcodes in SN9 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN9 5NE 0 51.349903 -1.702521
SN9 5NH 0 51.341241 -1.778135
SN9 5NJ 0 51.341117 -1.782668
SN9 5NT 9 51.349584 -1.776296
SN9 5NL 0 51.343342 -1.779944
SN9 5NN 2 51.349639 -1.796556
SN9 5NP 0 51.351634 -1.8012
SN9 5NR 0 51.352029 -1.811436
SN9 5NS 1 51.348518 -1.797896
SN9 5NU 12 51.344132 -1.771417
SN9 5NW 0 51.350893 -1.800361
SN9 5NX 0 51.342188 -1.768866
SN9 5NY 0 51.342681 -1.76839
SN9 5NZ 1 51.333799 -1.76888
SN9 5PA 2 51.333235 -1.784399
SN9 5PB 2 51.340175 -1.798895
SN9 5PD 1 51.343959 -1.816399
SN9 5PE 0 51.337981 -1.815083
SN9 5PF 3 51.335576 -1.830222
SN9 5PG 0 51.336104 -1.83467