all postcodes in SN / Swindon

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District

SN / Swindon

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN1 1TU 4 51.564809 -1.782069
SN1 1UG 1 51.559242 -1.78192
SN1 1UQ 1 51.558775 -1.782182
SN1 1WA 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN1 1YB 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN1 1YD 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN1 1YE 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN1 1YH 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN1 1YN 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN1 1ZA 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN1 1ZQ 1 51.551194 -1.725769
SN1 2AA 1 51.565651 -1.781067
SN1 2AB 4 51.565399 -1.779974
SN1 2AE 0 51.562984 -1.777762
SN1 2AF 5 51.565145 -1.77967
SN1 2AG 4 51.565852 -1.777632
SN1 2AJ 3 51.565715 -1.776594
SN1 2AL 0 51.566266 -1.777789
SN1 2AN 1 51.565222 -1.77726
SN1 2AP 1 51.563241 -1.775986