all postcodes in SO40 / LYNDHURST

find any address or company within the SO40 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO40 9EB 1 1 50.912362 -1.49161
SO40 9ED 28 0 50.911579 -1.493454
SO40 9EE 7 0 50.910358 -1.493823
SO40 9EF 5 0 50.910727 -1.49389
SO40 9EG 10 0 50.910189 -1.492217
SO40 9EH 11 0 50.910452 -1.492655
SO40 9EJ 20 0 50.911299 -1.493144
SO40 9EL 19 0 50.911145 -1.49279
SO40 9EN 19 0 50.911265 -1.49158
SO40 9EP 6 0 50.911016 -1.492123
SO40 9EQ 5 0 50.910617 -1.491388
SO40 9ER 9 1 50.90993 -1.494624
SO40 9ES 2 0 50.908603 -1.495427
SO40 9ET 5 0 50.907544 -1.496214
SO40 9EU 14 0 50.909123 -1.493253
SO40 9EW 28 0 50.909474 -1.493235
SO40 9EX 18 2 50.908902 -1.493938
SO40 9EY 21 0 50.908166 -1.49241
SO40 9EZ 26 0 50.908127 -1.493761
SO40 9FB 5 0 50.908506 -1.491951