all postcodes in SO40 / LYNDHURST

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SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO40 9GB 5 0 50.915918 -1.483967
SO40 9GD 2 1 50.913346 -1.48199
SO40 9GE 18 0 50.914314 -1.483538
SO40 9GF 13 0 50.913385 -1.482794
SO40 9GG 25 0 50.912302 -1.48191
SO40 9GH 9 0 50.911038 -1.482891
SO40 9GJ 22 0 50.911547 -1.483967
SO40 9GL 30 0 50.911396 -1.484466
SO40 9GN 14 0 50.910619 -1.48365
SO40 9GP 28 0 50.91112 -1.484996
SO40 9GQ 15 0 50.910678 -1.484901
SO40 9GR 16 0 50.911231 -1.485848
SO40 9GS 9 0 50.910717 -1.487489
SO40 9GT 18 0 50.910631 -1.486395
SO40 9GU 15 0 50.911081 -1.486461
SO40 9GW 9 0 50.911286 -1.488066
SO40 9GX 19 0 50.91176 -1.487592
SO40 9GY 12 0 50.911648 -1.486654
SO40 9GZ 9 0 50.911887 -1.485613
SO40 9HA 10 0 50.912125 -1.484686