all postcodes in SO40 / LYNDHURST

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SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO40 9HB 13 0 50.911615 -1.483169
SO40 9HD 12 1 50.911884 -1.482703
SO40 9HE 12 1 50.909071 -1.479343
SO40 9HF 20 2 50.909843 -1.478993
SO40 9HG 22 6 50.916573 -1.485931
SO40 9HH 4 0 50.916861 -1.485721
SO40 9HJ 24 1 50.917035 -1.484745
SO40 9HL 29 10 50.917002 -1.483309
SO40 9HN 38 10 50.916545 -1.483306
SO40 9HP 10 5 50.918126 -1.481262
SO40 9HQ 9 0 50.914929 -1.486248
SO40 9HR 12 0 50.914378 -1.485756
SO40 9HS 11 0 50.914537 -1.485057
SO40 9HT 16 0 50.914354 -1.484448
SO40 9HU 18 0 50.913729 -1.48528
SO40 9HW 16 0 50.91365 -1.485722
SO40 9HX 3 1 50.91375 -1.483664
SO40 9HY 18 0 50.913353 -1.483805
SO40 9HZ 12 0 50.912893 -1.485502
SO40 9JA 24 0 50.912862 -1.48455