all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 3QP 0 50.752939 -1.538417
SO41 3QQ 0 50.751397 -1.537454
SO41 3QR 0 50.752347 -1.536608
SO41 3QS 0 50.753874 -1.540733
SO41 3QT 0 50.756498 -1.547058
SO41 3QU 0 50.753326 -1.536315
SO41 3QW 0 50.752889 -1.537241
SO41 3QX 0 50.755566 -1.547847
SO41 3QY 0 50.751975 -1.531225
SO41 3QZ 0 50.756144 -1.543829
SO41 3RA 2 50.756546 -1.543315
SO41 3RB 0 50.756533 -1.544634
SO41 3RD 0 50.755183 -1.541812
SO41 3RE 0 50.755004 -1.539744
SO41 3RF 0 50.756482 -1.538402
SO41 3RG 0 50.756538 -1.541132
SO41 3RH 1 50.757628 -1.541561
SO41 3RJ 0 50.757731 -1.540511
SO41 3RL 0 50.757081 -1.539667
SO41 3RN 0 50.757523 -1.537975