all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

find any address or company within the SO41 postcode district

Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 3RT 0 50.757814 -1.536342
SO41 3RU 3 50.757062 -1.535107
SO41 3RW 1 50.75781 -1.535406
SO41 3RX 0 50.755903 -1.535142
SO41 3RY 1 50.756815 -1.536153
SO41 3RZ 0 50.755599 -1.535944
SO41 3SA 0 50.754985 -1.534995
SO41 3SB 0 50.755995 -1.533672
SO41 3SD 0 50.754589 -1.532815
SO41 3SE 5 50.754118 -1.529721
SO41 3SF 0 50.75447 -1.530228
SO41 3SG 0 50.752787 -1.531813
SO41 3SH 0 50.752049 -1.533904
SO41 3SJ 0 50.752346 -1.534085
SO41 3SL 0 50.753226 -1.531582
SO41 3SN 0 50.753774 -1.53125
SO41 3SP 0 50.753592 -1.532995
SO41 3SQ 0 50.753544 -1.532372
SO41 3SR 0 50.754254 -1.532167
SO41 3SS 0 50.755782 -1.541139