all postcodes in SO41 / BROCKENHURST

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO41 3ST 0 50.755413 -1.534253
SO41 3SU 0 50.755043 -1.533917
SO41 3SW 0 50.755427 -1.537599
SO41 3TA 0 50.752942 -1.53914
SO41 3TB 0 50.752963 -1.539877
SO41 3TD 0 50.752511 -1.541724
SO41 3TE 0 50.751755 -1.541448
SO41 3TF 0 50.752271 -1.540314
SO41 3TG 0 50.753348 -1.539462
SO41 3TH 0 50.752213 -1.539076
SO41 3TJ 0 50.752596 -1.54728
SO41 3TL 0 50.750818 -1.538679
SO41 3TP 0 50.752848 -1.540473
SO41 3TQ 0 50.75059 -1.540099
SO41 3YJ 4 50.756924 -1.5344
SO41 3YL 1 50.757448 -1.534857
SO41 3ZA 1 50.757583 -1.543886
SO41 3AB 0 50.753518 -1.53715
SO41 3AD 0 50.753907 -1.546814
SO41 3AA 0 50.754837 -1.536414