all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 3NY 46 0 51.084241 -1.800819
SP1 3PA 12 0 51.084975 -1.798646
SP1 3PB 30 0 51.084177 -1.800205
SP1 3PH 21 0 51.081146 -1.794251
SP1 3PJ 27 0 51.080813 -1.794095
SP1 3PL 23 0 51.081795 -1.79559
SP1 3PN 13 1 51.083109 -1.795898
SP1 3PP 35 0 51.082549 -1.794302
SP1 3PR 37 0 51.081613 -1.793864
SP1 3PS 4 0 51.082852 -1.79283
SP1 3PT 8 0 51.082159 -1.79269
SP1 3PU 16 0 51.082733 -1.791674
SP1 3PW 31 0 51.083007 -1.794343
SP1 3PX 26 0 51.083765 -1.790642
SP1 3PY 21 0 51.08437 -1.791952
SP1 3PZ 36 0 51.086005 -1.791188
SP1 3QA 17 0 51.085854 -1.79236
SP1 3QB 11 0 51.085225 -1.792248
SP1 3QD 26 0 51.084704 -1.792908
SP1 3QH 30 0 51.084959 -1.794691