all postcodes in SR3 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR3 1SW 42 0 54.887591 -1.415188
SR3 1SX 2 0 54.887443 -1.407191
SR3 1SY 46 2 54.886374 -1.410685
SR3 1SZ 31 0 54.885501 -1.414267
SR3 1TA 20 0 54.886079 -1.412965
SR3 1TB 46 0 54.885296 -1.412758
SR3 1TD 12 0 54.885434 -1.413364
SR3 1TE 32 0 54.884302 -1.415204
SR3 1TF 51 0 54.883462 -1.418116
SR3 1TJ 3 3 54.881347 -1.423134
SR3 1TN 15 0 54.889822 -1.408296
SR3 1TQ 1 1 54.882945 -1.422815
SR3 1TX 16 0 54.891959 -1.402387
SR3 1TY 14 0 54.89074 -1.403153
SR3 1TZ 18 0 54.889431 -1.403594
SR3 1UA 26 0 54.888529 -1.404823
SR3 1UB 10 0 54.892366 -1.402864
SR3 1UD 14 0 54.891973 -1.403369
SR3 1UE 12 0 54.89148 -1.40361
SR3 1UF 12 0 54.891247 -1.403832