all postcodes in SR3 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR3 1JX 42 0 54.87649 -1.410938
SR3 1JY 24 0 54.875377 -1.409396
SR3 1JZ 22 0 54.875978 -1.407252
SR3 1LA 38 0 54.876453 -1.408928
SR3 1LB 30 0 54.875662 -1.407007
SR3 1LD 42 0 54.876112 -1.412673
SR3 1LE 22 0 54.876423 -1.413775
SR3 1LF 19 0 54.875594 -1.413382
SR3 1LG 37 0 54.875427 -1.414226
SR3 1LL 6 4 54.893001 -1.400423
SR3 1LP 24 0 54.890962 -1.400734
SR3 1LR 18 0 54.890064 -1.400809
SR3 1LS 8 0 54.889485 -1.396515
SR3 1LT 11 0 54.889719 -1.398211
SR3 1LU 19 0 54.888891 -1.394388
SR3 1LW 23 0 54.891487 -1.401396
SR3 1LX 14 0 54.888333 -1.394178
SR3 1LY 10 0 54.888518 -1.395267
SR3 1LZ 8 0 54.888699 -1.395669
SR3 1NA 10 0 54.888983 -1.396725