all postcodes in SR3 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR3 1HX 8 0 54.87366 -1.405494
SR3 1HY 5 0 54.873406 -1.405186
SR3 1HZ 12 0 54.872734 -1.405539
SR3 1JA 8 0 54.872319 -1.405217
SR3 1JB 9 0 54.872884 -1.404991
SR3 1JD 28 0 54.873014 -1.404038
SR3 1JE 59 0 54.872277 -1.411295
SR3 1JF 64 0 54.874061 -1.41222
SR3 1JG 40 0 54.872917 -1.409806
SR3 1JH 10 0 54.871802 -1.409651
SR3 1JJ 8 0 54.871904 -1.40848
SR3 1JL 48 0 54.873203 -1.407745
SR3 1JN 24 0 54.874787 -1.408173
SR3 1JP 24 0 54.874452 -1.411404
SR3 1JQ 32 0 54.872499 -1.408846
SR3 1JR 16 0 54.875405 -1.411452
SR3 1JS 32 0 54.874894 -1.409824
SR3 1JT 24 0 54.874393 -1.410408
SR3 1JU 30 0 54.876223 -1.411581
SR3 1JW 42 0 54.873709 -1.410012