all postcodes in SR3 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR3 1ES 28 0 54.873667 -1.406912
SR3 1ET 1 1 54.87386 -1.406083
SR3 1EU 38 0 54.875251 -1.405564
SR3 1EW 45 0 54.87254 -1.406289
SR3 1EX 25 0 54.874636 -1.404778
SR3 1HA 14 0 54.875093 -1.404569
SR3 1HB 3 1 54.875987 -1.405598
SR3 1HD 24 1 54.875682 -1.403812
SR3 1HE 1 0 54.876349 -1.404145
SR3 1HF 18 0 54.876227 -1.403181
SR3 1HG 36 0 54.875693 -1.402394
SR3 1HH 21 1 54.873378 -1.401228
SR3 1HJ 49 1 54.873263 -1.401695
SR3 1HL 36 2 54.874202 -1.402463
SR3 1HQ 19 0 54.874369 -1.401728
SR3 1HR 24 0 54.873187 -1.40254
SR3 1HS 34 0 54.873951 -1.404414
SR3 1HT 2 0 54.872518 -1.403701
SR3 1HU 5 0 54.874055 -1.405504
SR3 1HW 1 1 54.873901 -1.403433