all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 8BJ 0 54.896796 -1.42915
SR4 8BL 0 54.897706 -1.429527
SR4 8BN 0 54.89756 -1.42719
SR4 8BP 0 54.898143 -1.425092
SR4 8BQ 0 54.896328 -1.430841
SR4 8BS 0 54.897546 -1.42429
SR4 8BT 0 54.899795 -1.424726
SR4 8BU 0 54.898094 -1.424282
SR4 8BW 0 54.897044 -1.424469
SR4 8BX 0 54.898756 -1.42552
SR4 8BY 0 54.898084 -1.425966
SR4 8BZ 0 54.898469 -1.42752
SR4 8DA 0 54.899245 -1.426293
SR4 8DB 0 54.898729 -1.427345
SR4 8DD 0 54.899476 -1.427537
SR4 8DE 0 54.900075 -1.427045
SR4 8DF 0 54.899457 -1.425479
SR4 8DG 0 54.901299 -1.425453
SR4 8DH 0 54.901197 -1.426749
SR4 8DQ 0 54.900406 -1.426635