all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 8DR 1 54.902083 -1.433629
SR4 8DS 2 54.90143 -1.437973
SR4 8DT 0 54.900901 -1.438308
SR4 8DU 0 54.901595 -1.43479
SR4 8DX 0 54.900131 -1.435029
SR4 8DY 0 54.898312 -1.436301
SR4 8DZ 0 54.898904 -1.435857
SR4 8EA 0 54.897629 -1.436124
SR4 8EB 0 54.897339 -1.437516
SR4 8ED 1 54.897994 -1.43752
SR4 8EE 0 54.897044 -1.437863
SR4 8EF 0 54.89897 -1.436589
SR4 8EG 0 54.899732 -1.436313
SR4 8EH 0 54.89987 -1.436888
SR4 8EJ 0 54.899075 -1.438037
SR4 8EL 0 54.898816 -1.438444
SR4 8EN 0 54.89948 -1.440043
SR4 8EP 0 54.901313 -1.436026
SR4 8EQ 0 54.900332 -1.435883
SR4 8ER 0 54.900184 -1.438817