all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 9BH 26 0 54.894113 -1.439588
SR4 9BJ 10 0 54.893333 -1.439879
SR4 9BL 10 0 54.894063 -1.440539
SR4 9BN 10 0 54.894587 -1.441
SR4 9BQ 13 0 54.894955 -1.441041
SR4 9BS 42 0 54.894356 -1.449516
SR4 9BT 30 0 54.89497 -1.450147
SR4 9BY 3 1 54.897154 -1.448324
SR4 9DA 28 0 54.895704 -1.445522
SR4 9DB 20 1 54.896404 -1.44336
SR4 9DP 18 0 54.89527 -1.445029
SR4 9DR 30 0 54.894406 -1.4466
SR4 9DS 37 0 54.893492 -1.449247
SR4 9DT 24 0 54.895083 -1.443472
SR4 9DU 1 0 54.893123 -1.449143
SR4 9DW 45 0 54.893833 -1.45116
SR4 9DX 26 0 54.892106 -1.450794
SR4 9DY 14 0 54.892416 -1.449792
SR4 9EJ 2 0 54.894135 -1.442579
SR4 9EN 11 9 54.893463 -1.452862