all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 9EW 1 1 54.891523 -1.454871
SR4 9HA 48 0 54.893367 -1.433814
SR4 9HB 44 0 54.890843 -1.445666
SR4 9HD 18 0 54.890321 -1.449368
SR4 9HE 14 0 54.891652 -1.449631
SR4 9HF 10 0 54.891093 -1.449295
SR4 9HH 4 0 54.891649 -1.449083
SR4 9HP 26 0 54.892694 -1.43981
SR4 9HR 47 0 54.894291 -1.439226
SR4 9HU 54 0 54.896445 -1.438526
SR4 9HX 13 0 54.895009 -1.438936
SR4 9HY 4 0 54.894459 -1.4386
SR4 9HZ 14 0 54.893755 -1.437862
SR4 9JA 8 0 54.893224 -1.437854
SR4 9JB 37 0 54.895736 -1.440719
SR4 9JL 27 0 54.892194 -1.462345
SR4 9JN 1 0 54.895577 -1.467477
SR4 9JP 2 0 54.891161 -1.481283
SR4 9JR 4 0 54.887883 -1.485693
SR4 9JS 5 0 54.89121 -1.490793