all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 6RT 0 54.909126 -1.415999
SR4 6RU 0 54.909131 -1.417044
SR4 6RW 0 54.907967 -1.419806
SR4 6SD 0 54.910118 -1.414861
SR4 6SE 0 54.909719 -1.414072
SR4 6SF 4 54.909469 -1.414465
SR4 6SG 1 54.911042 -1.416283
SR4 6SJ 6 54.909269 -1.429159
SR4 6SN 8 54.911279 -1.421035
SR4 6SQ 0 54.911398 -1.417479
SR4 6SS 1 54.910379 -1.424341
SR4 6ST 1 54.910329 -1.427118
SR4 6SU 1 54.910371 -1.4208
SR4 6SY 0 54.910456 -1.417773
SR4 6SZ 0 54.909869 -1.417189
SR4 6TA 1 54.910579 -1.415648
SR4 6TB 0 54.910216 -1.41642
SR4 6TD 0 54.910817 -1.414477
SR4 6TE 0 54.910959 -1.414023
SR4 6TH 0 54.911745 -1.415009