all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 6WE 6 54.912861 -1.408097
SR4 6XA 1 54.905783 -1.417763
SR4 6XB 0 54.90585 -1.418682
SR4 6XD 0 54.904715 -1.42188
SR4 6XE 0 54.904238 -1.421684
SR4 6XF 0 54.905148 -1.422201
SR4 6XG 0 54.905382 -1.422276
SR4 6XH 0 54.906449 -1.421699
SR4 6XJ 0 54.906529 -1.423601
SR4 6XL 0 54.906768 -1.422708
SR4 6XN 0 54.903818 -1.42038
SR4 6XP 0 54.906391 -1.420904
SR4 6XQ 0 54.906049 -1.422796
SR4 6XW 0 54.905349 -1.420997
SR4 6AD 11 9 54.910269 -1.418429
SR4 6UJ 1 1 54.909943 -1.406814
SR4 6AJ 20 0 54.911179 -1.413115
SR4 6PL 91 0 54.909989 -1.408856
SR4 6EG 0 54.908431 -1.402594
SR4 6FB 0 54.909248 -1.402271