all postcodes in SR6 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR6 0DG 0 54.917746 -1.379977
SR6 0DN 1 54.917027 -1.379957
SR6 0DR 1 54.915171 -1.377287
SR6 0DT 2 54.914704 -1.377341
SR6 0DX 0 54.914619 -1.376609
SR6 0DY 0 54.913528 -1.374223
SR6 0DZ 0 54.914877 -1.376152
SR6 0EA 1 54.915516 -1.374737
SR6 0EB 0 54.91563 -1.37572
SR6 0EF 0 54.915378 -1.373836
SR6 0EH 0 54.916696 -1.373394
SR6 0EL 0 54.916722 -1.371397
SR6 0EN 1 54.916689 -1.37199
SR6 0EQ 2 54.916209 -1.374697
SR6 0ES 1 54.918349 -1.369794
SR6 0EU 0 54.917383 -1.370544
SR6 0EZ 1 54.916204 -1.37036
SR6 0FB 0 54.915913 -1.373016
SR6 0FD 0 54.917282 -1.371966
SR6 0FE 0 54.917118 -1.371453