all postcodes in SR6 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR6 0FF 0 54.916375 -1.372042
SR6 0FG 0 54.917722 -1.370227
SR6 0GL 1 54.912955 -1.371081
SR6 0HB 0 54.914975 -1.374248
SR6 0HH 0 54.918356 -1.379812
SR6 0HL 1 54.917083 -1.373497
SR6 0HN 0 54.917549 -1.374863
SR6 0HP 0 54.918391 -1.37095
SR6 0HQ 9 54.916064 -1.376274
SR6 0HR 2 54.916756 -1.378103
SR6 0HS 1 54.917486 -1.373101
SR6 0HT 2 54.916892 -1.374702
SR6 0HU 0 54.918736 -1.380414
SR6 0HW 0 54.918166 -1.370891
SR6 0HX 2 54.91636 -1.376161
SR6 0HY 1 54.91713 -1.377428
SR6 0HZ 0 54.91831 -1.377971
SR6 0JA 0 54.919265 -1.37844
SR6 0JB 1 54.919244 -1.379502
SR6 0JE 0 54.919991 -1.379755