all postcodes in SR6 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR6 0JF 0 54.917635 -1.377639
SR6 0JG 0 54.918962 -1.377258
SR6 0JH 0 54.918334 -1.377378
SR6 0JJ 0 54.919388 -1.377846
SR6 0JL 0 54.9195 -1.376939
SR6 0JN 0 54.919791 -1.375858
SR6 0JP 0 54.919313 -1.375444
SR6 0JQ 0 54.917083 -1.376852
SR6 0JR 0 54.919005 -1.376744
SR6 0JS 0 54.918465 -1.376503
SR6 0JT 0 54.918091 -1.37551
SR6 0JU 0 54.917231 -1.376022
SR6 0JW 0 54.919218 -1.374478
SR6 0JX 0 54.917416 -1.375255
SR6 0JY 0 54.91862 -1.375314
SR6 0JZ 0 54.919839 -1.374718
SR6 0LA 0 54.918741 -1.374377
SR6 0LD 0 54.917688 -1.374018
SR6 0LE 0 54.917937 -1.373531
SR6 0LG 0 54.91825 -1.373214