all postcodes in SR6 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR6 8DQ 0 54.934725 -1.371975
SR6 8DR 0 54.934763 -1.375938
SR6 8DS 0 54.934568 -1.378142
SR6 8DT 0 54.933841 -1.376593
SR6 8DU 0 54.93449 -1.37702
SR6 8DW 0 54.933811 -1.374205
SR6 8DX 0 54.933669 -1.376267
SR6 8DZ 1 54.930486 -1.383012
SR6 8ED 1 54.930251 -1.384667
SR6 8EE 2 54.932128 -1.37033
SR6 8EF 0 54.931458 -1.371181
SR6 8EG 0 54.930127 -1.381332
SR6 8EH 1 54.931113 -1.382596
SR6 8EJ 0 54.931515 -1.382169
SR6 8EL 0 54.931286 -1.381236
SR6 8EN 0 54.932054 -1.382051
SR6 8EP 0 54.932625 -1.379592
SR6 8EQ 0 54.930558 -1.381354
SR6 8ER 0 54.933318 -1.37621
SR6 8ES 0 54.933568 -1.374363