all postcodes in SR6 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR6 8HZ 0 54.93052 -1.379063
SR6 8JA 0 54.930373 -1.380173
SR6 8JB 0 54.930267 -1.380596
SR6 8JN 0 54.937687 -1.392532
SR6 8JP 0 54.937576 -1.392003
SR6 8JQ 0 54.938567 -1.394282
SR6 8JR 0 54.93733 -1.389478
SR6 8JS 0 54.937098 -1.3897
SR6 8JT 0 54.937473 -1.391099
SR6 8JU 0 54.937031 -1.390825
SR6 8JW 0 54.936472 -1.392082
SR6 8JX 0 54.936807 -1.389033
SR6 8JY 0 54.936416 -1.389913
SR6 8JZ 0 54.936135 -1.389512
SR6 8LA 0 54.935978 -1.388546
SR6 8LB 0 54.93645 -1.387727
SR6 8LD 0 54.935756 -1.387317
SR6 8LE 0 54.93549 -1.388179
SR6 8LF 0 54.935102 -1.386
SR6 8LG 2 54.935744 -1.385069